Benefits of Massage

Before we dive into the benefits of massages, it’s an excellent idea to learn more about massage therapy to understand why it is important.

What is Massage Therapy?

Massages are specialized movement techniques that manipulate muscles and other soft tissues in an individual body using pressure and practised patterns.  Massages come in many different forms and apply to nearly every area of the human body to provide pain relief, relaxation, and stress relief. They are also encouraged by medical professionals because they help heal injuries and support overall wellness.

What Are The Top Three Benefits Of Massage?

Now that you know more about massages, we can delve into the top benefits of booking a massage routinely. Read below to learn more.


Improved Immune Function

Not many people realize that massages have been proven to improve immune function. According to a study published in the well-known Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2010, a patient’s white blood cell count is boosted when they recieve a massage.
The white blood cells are important in defending an individual against disease and illness. It’s also believed that because massages boost white blood cell counts, they improve immune function for those with HIV.


Helps Manage Pain

Over the years, numerous research studies have examined massages can help manage and relieve pain. According to the many study findings, it’s been proven that there is a significant possibility that massages can relieve acute neck, back, and knee pain alongside the pain felt with headaches.

When examining how many massages a person needed to experience pain relief, it was determined that results varied by person. However, it was summarized that a 60-minute massage given many times a week could be far more effective than fewer or shorter massage sessions.

However, it should be noted that massages are best for providing short-term pain relief and are not a cure in the long term for pain management.


Soothes Depression and Anxiety

Massages can help soothe depression and anxiety. A study found in the respected Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry showed that patients suffering from depression and anxiety were more happy and relaxed with reduced stress levels after receiving massages.

Additionally, another study published in the prestigious International Journal of Neuroscience stated that women with breast cancer reportedly felt less angry and depressed after receiving massage therapy three times a week. Ultimately, these studies prove that massages have a profound effect on helping individuals deal with negative emotions like anxiety and depression.

Wrap-Up On The Benefits Of Massages

Massage therapy has many benefits, like the ones we discussed in our article. This form of physical therapy is safe and effective for individuals of all ages. Not only does it improve overall health and wellness for the physical body, but it also assists in helping ease mental stresses, illness, and fatigue. No matter how you look at it, massages are the perfect self- care activity to look after your health and gift yourself the pampering you deserve.